Playlists by Mizu ambassadors Max Beach, Gemita Samarra, and Maria Kuzma

Check out featured playlists from Max Beach, Maria Kuzma, and Gemita Samarra up on Mizu's Spotify to keep you positively groovin' through the week.


Featured Playlist: Quarantine Groovin' 



Mizu ambassador Max Beach is not only a great surfer but also has killer music taste. Check out his playlist of tunes to take away any quarantine blues. 


 Listen Here > 


Featured Playlist: Manifest Positivity 



Maria Kuzma is a snowboarder, surfer, and architect with meaningful designs focused on environmental impact. She put together her mix for manifesting positivity while she designing from home. ​


 Listen Here > 



Featured Playlist: Isolation Tunes



Gemita Samarra is an environmentalist, stuntwoman, model, and journalist. Gemita put together her Isolation Tunes mix for inspiration while painting, cooking, and gardening, and daydreaming from home. 


 Listen Here > 



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