Custom Feature: Fragile Ocean

We had the honor to work with Fragile Ocean and wanted to highlight their amazing cause of taking care of our oceans. Check our their testimonial below! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "One Ocean-One Earth" Our Mission: Created simply to...

1% for the Planet: Rob Machado Foundation

The Rob Machado Foundation was founded upon the fundamental belief that our planet needs to be taken care of, and that there’s no better place to start than with our local communities and our children....

1% for the Planet: Sea Shepherd

Mizu was born out of the desire to never have to buy a single use plastic water bottle anywhere in the world. To partner with an organisation like Sea Shepherd whose mission is to protect...

Mizu Mission: Greece with Elena Koenz

Elena Koenz embarked on a road trip to Greece for snowboarding and split boarding. She's joined by two other rad girls - Mirte and Valerie. Read about they're amazing journey below! Tell us a little bit about...

Mizu Mission: Richard Seehausen

We were honored to have the opportunity to work with photographer Richard Seehausen on his Mizu Mission, from Mt. Baker to Jackson Hole. Check out his inspiring adventures & tips on how to travel reusable below! Follow him...